Alright! As some of you were aware, I had a mostly Adventurers’ Guild themed table at an indie comic convention recently! I never got around to talking about how it went in detail, as I have been very busy lately (I was going to say extraordinarily busy, but this level of business does seem to be my ordinary…)

Here’s the set-up! Apart from my two books and decorative coins, everything there’s Adventurers’ Guild related. I was hardly trying to sell anything anyway (unlike most of the other tables there) My main goal was to promote the comic and push people to the website. Plus in order to boost engagement as it were, and stand out from the crowd and leave a lasting impression…

I had quest letters that convention goers could accept! Simple missions to do to earn prizes that were in the treasure chest in the first picture. What were these quests, you might ask? Come to my next convention appearance to find out!
I also spoke on a panel! (no picture, alas) I’d done a convention table before, but never a panel. New experience! The topic was one that I had suggested to the convention staff: “Managing work, life, and your comic.” In which I and one other comic artist spoke about motivation, burn-out, justifying to ones self the time and effort that goes into this craft when one’s time and attention could be spent elsewhere, and stuff like that. I may do a longer blog post based on that topic later on, because it’s become a major concern for me as of late (see the first paragraph of this blog.)
In addition to a bit of Christmas shopping, I also splurged on a commission by Ben Dunn, a comic artist who I was kinda familiar with the work of, but I had no idea how large he was in the indie comic world. Check it out!

Very cool stuff!
Overall, it was a good experience. The convention itself was not as heavily attended as I would have liked/was prepared for, but I do think I turned a few heads toward Adventurers’ Guild. It also had a motivational feeling to it–legitimizing that what I work on has value and can stand up there with any other artist. Sometimes in the darker days of art block and stress, I forget that.