And that’s it! The fan art contest is over, the entries are in, and the winners have been decided! First of all, thank you to everyone who entered the contest! As you may know, I love seeing my characters represented in other peoples’ art styles in the form of fan art. Seeing all these entries roll in genuinely made me very excited and motivated to continue to make the best comic I can for you all! Thank you also to those who shared information about the contest on social media, you guys also played a great roll in this!
But before we get to the announcement of the winners, let’s go over all the entries.
Here we have Eightcrows’ depiction of Li working undercover as a chef, as he appears in Episode 9.
I really like the additional details in cooking ingredients and utensils all over the place! It adds so much to the atmosphere of the kitchen setting. Good choice of scene too, since is was a very brief moment in the comic, but certainly stands out.
Take a look at Sobers’ Guild’s version of the big fight scene from Episode 1.
One of the few entries that I didn’t know was being worked on and came as a surprise to me! Big bonus points for tackling an entire fight scene first of all, and also for including so many characters in one picture! Great intense expressions.
Here we have Nieillust’s take on Klaus explaining his combat choices to Li in Episode 1.
I really like this art style—it’s so very different from my own, and yet the characters are still just as recognizable! I love seeing this type of variety. Very nice shading job, also!
SuperheroGeek13 takes on a scene that didn’t appear in the comic, but is most tied to Episode 5.
Kudos on going for a scene that’s only theoretically canon, but follows the plot logically! I was curious to see if anyone would go for that, based on the prompt. The most striking thing about this one to me personally is the color palette. It’s the exact same as what I look at every day to make the comic itself! Cool detail right there.
There we have it! Considering the fact that there are 3 prize-winning places, the judging of this contest was extremely difficult since there are 4 entries—one more than there are prize slots. Very tricky business! But after a careful analysis for the categories of Artistic Skill, Originality, Source accuracy, Style, and Bonus, I have picked the winners. They are as follows!:
First place goes to Eightcrows
Second place goes to SuperheroGeek13
Third place goes to Sobers’ Guild
Fourth place goes to Nieillust
Congratulations! Running this contest was very fun, and I hope everyone else enjoyed also!
I would also like to announce a new page being added to the Adventurers’ Guild website: [Fan Art]! All the entries will appear there, in addition to any other fan art that can be submitted by you, the fans! Feel free to tag me on twitter, message me on deviantart, or email me at guildmaster@adventurersguildcomic.com to apply to get your picture on the fan art page! Enjoy!
Part 1 of the season 1 finale starts on Tuesday night, so I hope you’re all ready for that. See ya!