We need your Letters!

Community announcement!
I’m bringing back a tradition from the hand-drawn comic in order to increase community involvement: Quest letters, as they are seen on the first page of any given episode, will now be hand-written. Gives it more of a personal touch.

And even more so personal, the readers can participate and get a shoutout when that page goes live! That’s right, anyone who wants to can volunteer to hand-write and then send me the text of the quest letter to be used in the comic.

As of now, I have three different quest letters that could have their words replaced with inserted handwriting. I need…

Someone with a rushed-but-not-sloppy handwriting

Someone with a very plain, generic, and boring handwriting

and someone with an elegant, feminine, pure handwriting.


If you’re interested in submitting your handwriting to any of these categories, let me know in the comments or on discord, and I’ll send you your sample text.