Well, at least someone knows how to quickly locate thieves.
Hello! Just a quick blog to note that we’ve reached another goal in finishing Episode 3! As usual, I recommend going back to the start and reading it straight through, as the dialogue and action flows better when it’s not all spread out in chunks. Alright everyone, confession time. This year, 2019, was the year… Read more »
Hello all my wonderful viewers! Coming to you today for a few quick pieces of news. I’ve expanded my online footprint in a ways, I suppose. Thus, I have a couple of link that you might appreciate–and I would appreciate you visiting. First is Adventurers’ Guild on topwebcomics. If you are unfamiliar with topwebcomics, it’s… Read more »
Hello, just a quick update to inform you of a few new features on the site, because of an update. The biggest one is that there is now an individual comment section for each comic page! This is something that I’ve heard a few requests over, and was more tricky to implement than I thought…. Read more »