Komment kerfuffle

Hello! I’d recently noticed a lack of activity in the comments section as of late, and it got me blue. But I looked into it, and it seemed that disqus has been holding guest comments back, waiting for me to approve them, but never told me I had comments pending! I’ve now let them all… Read more »

Strange Christmas Schedule

Just so  everyone knows, I am travelling and such during Christmas vacation. From now until a bit after New Years, the comic uploads might be slightly off from the normal. It all depends on other things going on, access to internet, and some such thing. You know how it is! I’ll try to be as… Read more »

Fan Art Contest WINNERS Announcement!

And that’s it! The fan art contest is over, the entries are in, and the winners have been decided! First of all, thank you to everyone who entered the contest! As you may know, I love seeing my characters represented in other peoples’ art styles in the form of fan art. Seeing all these entries… Read more »

Adventurers’ Guild Fan Art Contest announcement!

It’s the first and hopefully not last Adventurers’ Guild fan art contest! Read all the details right here: Let me know if you have any questions! And for a non-image-file convenience, here’s that email address again: guildmaster@adventurersguildcomic.com

Major Milestone Announcement!

As I have mentioned some days ago on my social media accounts, I have hit a major milestone in terms of Adventurers’ Guild production! First of all, for those of you unaware, I operate with a huge backlog stockpile buffer of comic pages to upload. Example, while I’m uploading to Episode 10 to the website,… Read more »

Plugging a plot hole

Hello! I just though I’d call this press conference here to announce a redact. One of my fine commenters who has an amazing memory pointed out an inconsistency with the Banishment Ritual and how it works. Its function was made extremely clear in episode 4 when Myra first reads about it, but she makes a… Read more »

Upcoming Upload

Hello! Just want to let you know that this Friday’s update will be happening instead on Thursday! This is because I will be unavailable to upload it at the usual time, and I will continue to be unavailable to upload it throughout the weekend, so a bit early is the only option. Rejoice! But don’t… Read more »

Episode 9 down da hatch

In case it wasn’t obvious, Episode 9 is done! One of the shorter ones, yes, but one of my favorites in this season. Episode 10 starts Tuesday! This one will be a bit more… spoooooooooooky. Oh, and as par usual, here’s a link to EP09 Page01 If you want to read it all in one… Read more »

Episode 8 done + New info page

Alright everyone, Episode 8 is all wrapped up! For those of you who like reading it all together as one in one sitting, that gate’s now open to you!: [LINK] Klaus’s now got a full party of six. No more room at the top menu for anyone else! Speaking of menus, I have totally redone… Read more »

Merry Christmas to all!

Just a quick one today to say there’s no update to the comic itself. Taking the day off for that jolliest day of the year. I hope you’ve had a wonderful Christmas, and if not, I hope you will next year! This one’s been a bit rough, not gonna lie–met with some opposition. But hey,… Read more »

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