Results of the Second Fan Art Contest!

Alright! The fan art contest is OVER! My judgement has been passed, and votes have been cast for the tie, and below are the entries and results. First, thank you to everyone who entered! I loved getting the messages that a new entry was ready, and see other peoples’ take on the prompt. Let’s take… Read more »

Fan Art Contest Judgement event on Discord

Alright, the Fan Art contest submission period is closed, and it is almost time to announce the winners! I had been intending to do all the judging behind the scenes and announce the winners, but well, I’ve actually already finished my judging of the contest entries, but as the point distribution fell, it became pretty… Read more »

Second Adventurers’ Guild Fanart Contest!

Adventurers’ Guild fanart contest #2! Dates: March 26th – April 30th Theme: Adventure. Draw a scene that features at least one Adventurers’ Guild character. This picture must portray a sense of adventure! Use the word as inspiration! The scene does NOT have to be canon to the comic. Feel free to draw a car trip… Read more »

Uploads resume on March 14th

Hello! I announced this on a few places online yesterday, but yes, as the title of this blog says, Adventurers’ Guild uploads will be resuming on Tuesday March 14th, midnight release as usual. (Or if you think of that as Wednesday instead, sure.) Thank you for bearing with me during this hiatus–on the production end… Read more »

Break Announcement

A while ago, I was talking with my sister Mary, the author/artist of the webcomic Paper Doll Veronika, about various webcomic managing stuff. In addition, I was venting about the standard time demands of being an adult, being a parent, and all such stuff. It’s frustrating when you are inspired to write or do art,… Read more »

Missed update! + Cute paint project

Hey, so, on the last page’s description 11/15/22, I mentioned that I might not be able to upload Friday’s page. I was right! I was on a camping trip with no access to computer or internet (that was the point, you see.) I usually try to schedule these things around updates or make provisions, but… Read more »

What just happened…?

Episode 14 is done now! The title of this blogpost is in reference to the conclusion, in case you were wondering. I hope you enjoyed it so far, and are adequately stoked for part 2. Part 1 may have been kind of weird in terms of story arch and progressing and such, but it was… Read more »

Season 2 has begun!

Here we are at the 4th anniversary of the Adventurers’ Guild website going live, and the first day of Season 2! I’m excited… are you??? Generally, one season lasting four years is not smiled upon very much, but that’s just how this story is manifesting so far! I just uploaded the intro on the night… Read more »

Season 1 is done! Announcement!

Adventurers’ Guild Season 1 has come to a close! I want to thank each and every one of you for being here at this little momentous event, whether you’ve been with me from the start or not… I certainly appreciate you! So, now what is to come? Season 2 is just around the corner with… Read more »

Cameo appearance discount sale!

Hello fans! Quick blog to draw attention to something that I’ve said on social media already: I’m currently running a sale on in-comic cameos! While usually such a prize comes along with the $20 patreon tier, for the rest of June if you pledge JUST $10 on either patreon or the brand new ko-fi page,… Read more »

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