A new book by Guildmaster Phill is out!

A bit of a different type of post now! Lots of news lately, it seems. This one doesn’t have anything much to do with Adventurers’ Guild explicitly, excepting that they share a common author. I’m glad to announce that a new book is available for purchase online! It’s called The Eternal Spring. I hope that you… Read more »

New supplementary Patreon-exclusive comic

Hello! Just a quick announcement! If you are reading this and you’re already backing me on patreon, a-thank you. But if not, you’re going to be missing out on a brand new bonus comic series, “Chibi Adventurers”! It’s Adventurers’ Guild bonus jokes and stuff reflecting the main comic. Oh, and things that happen and that… Read more »

Episode 7 Complete!

Hello again everyone! As you can tell from the title of this blog and from the comic pages, episode 7 is now finished! As always, if you please, read the entire thing from start to finish by clicking [here], as the dialogue and action tends to flow better when it’s all together. As mentioned in… Read more »

Important Adventurers’ Guild Milestone!

As the title says, we’ve reached a very important Adventurers’ Guild milestone just now! And no, I’m not talking about the website being up for two years now… I missed that anniversary last month! (But give me a break–my wedding anniversary is right around that time too.) But no! The important milestone is this: I… Read more »

Episode 6 is up, and another As’G Portal

You all know the drill by now! Since another episode (6) is now all online, go ahead and binge-read it from the start! [Here’s the link to do so.] If you enjoyed this more personal episode about Myra, or if you’re just liking the comic in general, please tell a friend or share it with… Read more »

Episode 5 is all uploaded + other news

Episode 5 is all online! I hope you enjoyed; quite a few new developments happened. As some of you may have noticed, both this episode and the one before it were quite a bit longer. (about 45 pages instead of about 25) This trend will continue, I can say that for sure. With a few… Read more »

Christmas Times!

Hello all, and Merry Christmas to all the dang y’all! As Christmas Eve (today) coincides with an update night, I will be taking a one-time break. The next page will be uploaded on the 27th instead. But for the time being, spend time with your friends, family, all that. And if you have neither and… Read more »

Episode 4 in the bag

Like I mentioned at the final page of episode 4, episode 4 has now concluded! (wow… what a great introductory sentence there.) This has been so far the longest and most in-depth episode so far, so I view it as a good accomplishment! (But it won’t be the last.) As always, I encourage you to… Read more »

I’ll be at Comic Indie Con 2019 in Houston!

You read that title right! Guildmaster Phill (that’s me) will be at Comic Indie Con in Houston, Texas! This is the first time I will be at comic convention table representing one of my own creative endeavors, so I am duly excited about this. You can read all the details about the convention on their… Read more »

One Year Site Anniversary

Well, here we are. This site, believe it or not, has been online for a whole year now. I personally think we’re going good, albeit not super fast. It is my goal one day to have more than 2 upload days per week, and hopefully this community will grow and flourish more too! But yeah,… Read more »

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