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A long time coming

Hello, welcome to the grand opening of the Adventurers’ Guild website! It’s been a long time coming; those of you who have been following my work on deviantart know this all too well. For those of you new to this site, this comic, and to me… well, welcome! This comic series means a lot to… Read more »

Update Schedule

Hello everyone! I hope you’re enjoying yourself so far. As some of you may be wondering, I do have a set update schedule for updates on this site. As of now, I’ll be uploading new pages on Tuseday and Friday nights, around midnight Central Time. So if you’re a night owl like me, enjoy your… Read more »

Episode 1 done!

Just thought I’d add a quick post noting the minor milestone of uploading a whole episode to this site. I hope that whoever has been reading up until this point has been having a positive experience with the story and all. It may be a bit conceited of me, but I usually like to encourage… Read more »

A Christmas Message

Hello everyone reading this! I do not know what holidays you celebrate, but personally I celebrate Christmas. Having done so, especially with the inclusion of an energetic toddler, I am very tired. No new comic tonight as I need some sleep, and for a bit of time off during the holiday. However, this is a… Read more »

Episode 2 done, and STORE OPEN!

Hello! First of all, Episode 2: Overconfidence is now all online! Thanks for reading, and as always, I suggest going back and reading it through all in one sitting–in my opinion, it makes it so much better; the dialogue flows better. Also, make sure to share it with your friends if you liked it! But… Read more »

Some site updates

Hello, just a quick update to inform you of a few new features on the site, because of an update. The biggest one is that there is now an individual comment section for each comic page! This is something that I’ve heard a few requests over, and was more tricky to implement than I thought…. Read more »

2 links 2 check!

Hello all my wonderful viewers! Coming to you today for a few quick pieces of news. I’ve expanded my online footprint in a ways, I suppose. Thus, I have a couple of link that you might appreciate–and I would appreciate you visiting. First is Adventurers’ Guild on topwebcomics. If you are unfamiliar with topwebcomics, it’s… Read more »

Episode 3 finished

Hello! Just a quick blog to note that we’ve reached another goal in finishing Episode 3!  As usual, I recommend going back to the start and reading it straight through, as the dialogue and action flows better when it’s not all spread out in chunks. Alright everyone, confession time. This year, 2019, was the year… Read more »

New Affiliate – Paper Doll Veronika

Hello, coming to you today with a quick announcement. My sister’s brand new webcomic, Paper Doll Veronika, has just gone online! Not only that, but she included a link to Adventurers’ Guild right there in her links section, all up on day one, and she’s been promoting Adventurers’ Guild consistently over social media. So I… Read more »

One Year Site Anniversary

Well, here we are. This site, believe it or not, has been online for a whole year now. I personally think we’re going good, albeit not super fast. It is my goal one day to have more than 2 upload days per week, and hopefully this community will grow and flourish more too! But yeah,… Read more »

I’ll be at Comic Indie Con 2019 in Houston!

You read that title right! Guildmaster Phill (that’s me) will be at Comic Indie Con in Houston, Texas! This is the first time I will be at comic convention table representing one of my own creative endeavors, so I am duly excited about this. You can read all the details about the convention on their… Read more »

Episode 4 in the bag

Like I mentioned at the final page of episode 4, episode 4 has now concluded! (wow… what a great introductory sentence there.) This has been so far the longest and most in-depth episode so far, so I view it as a good accomplishment! (But it won’t be the last.) As always, I encourage you to… Read more »

Christmas Times!

Hello all, and Merry Christmas to all the dang y’all! As Christmas Eve (today) coincides with an update night, I will be taking a one-time break. The next page will be uploaded on the 27th instead. But for the time being, spend time with your friends, family, all that. And if you have neither and… Read more »

Episode 5 is all uploaded + other news

Episode 5 is all online! I hope you enjoyed; quite a few new developments happened. As some of you may have noticed, both this episode and the one before it were quite a bit longer. (about 45 pages instead of about 25) This trend will continue, I can say that for sure. With a few… Read more »

Episode 6 is up, and another As’G Portal

You all know the drill by now! Since another episode (6) is now all online, go ahead and binge-read it from the start! [Here’s the link to do so.] If you enjoyed this more personal episode about Myra, or if you’re just liking the comic in general, please tell a friend or share it with… Read more »

Important Adventurers’ Guild Milestone!

As the title says, we’ve reached a very important Adventurers’ Guild milestone just now! And no, I’m not talking about the website being up for two years now… I missed that anniversary last month! (But give me a break–my wedding anniversary is right around that time too.) But no! The important milestone is this: I… Read more »

Episode 7 Complete!

Hello again everyone! As you can tell from the title of this blog and from the comic pages, episode 7 is now finished! As always, if you please, read the entire thing from start to finish by clicking [here], as the dialogue and action tends to flow better when it’s all together. As mentioned in… Read more »

New supplementary Patreon-exclusive comic

Hello! Just a quick announcement! If you are reading this and you’re already backing me on patreon, a-thank you. But if not, you’re going to be missing out on a brand new bonus comic series, “Chibi Adventurers”! It’s Adventurers’ Guild bonus jokes and stuff reflecting the main comic. Oh, and things that happen and that… Read more »

A new book by Guildmaster Phill is out!

A bit of a different type of post now! Lots of news lately, it seems. This one doesn’t have anything much to do with Adventurers’ Guild explicitly, excepting that they share a common author. I’m glad to announce that a new book is available for purchase online! It’s called The Eternal Spring. I hope that you… Read more »

Merry Christmas to all!

Just a quick one today to say there’s no update to the comic itself. Taking the day off for that jolliest day of the year. I hope you’ve had a wonderful Christmas, and if not, I hope you will next year! This one’s been a bit rough, not gonna lie–met with some opposition. But hey,… Read more »

Episode 8 done + New info page

Alright everyone, Episode 8 is all wrapped up! For those of you who like reading it all together as one in one sitting, that gate’s now open to you!: [LINK] Klaus’s now got a full party of six. No more room at the top menu for anyone else! Speaking of menus, I have totally redone… Read more »

Episode 9 down da hatch

In case it wasn’t obvious, Episode 9 is done! One of the shorter ones, yes, but one of my favorites in this season. Episode 10 starts Tuesday! This one will be a bit more… spoooooooooooky. Oh, and as par usual, here’s a link to EP09 Page01 If you want to read it all in one… Read more »

Upcoming Upload

Hello! Just want to let you know that this Friday’s update will be happening instead on Thursday! This is because I will be unavailable to upload it at the usual time, and I will continue to be unavailable to upload it throughout the weekend, so a bit early is the only option. Rejoice! But don’t… Read more »

Plugging a plot hole

Hello! I just though I’d call this press conference here to announce a redact. One of my fine commenters who has an amazing memory pointed out an inconsistency with the Banishment Ritual and how it works. Its function was made extremely clear in episode 4 when Myra first reads about it, but she makes a… Read more »

Major Milestone Announcement!

As I have mentioned some days ago on my social media accounts, I have hit a major milestone in terms of Adventurers’ Guild production! First of all, for those of you unaware, I operate with a huge backlog stockpile buffer of comic pages to upload. Example, while I’m uploading to Episode 10 to the website,… Read more »

Adventurers’ Guild Fan Art Contest announcement!

It’s the first and hopefully not last Adventurers’ Guild fan art contest! Read all the details right here: Let me know if you have any questions! And for a non-image-file convenience, here’s that email address again:

Fan Art Contest WINNERS Announcement!

And that’s it! The fan art contest is over, the entries are in, and the winners have been decided! First of all, thank you to everyone who entered the contest! As you may know, I love seeing my characters represented in other peoples’ art styles in the form of fan art. Seeing all these entries… Read more »

Strange Christmas Schedule

Just so  everyone knows, I am travelling and such during Christmas vacation. From now until a bit after New Years, the comic uploads might be slightly off from the normal. It all depends on other things going on, access to internet, and some such thing. You know how it is! I’ll try to be as… Read more »

Komment kerfuffle

Hello! I’d recently noticed a lack of activity in the comments section as of late, and it got me blue. But I looked into it, and it seemed that disqus has been holding guest comments back, waiting for me to approve them, but never told me I had comments pending! I’ve now let them all… Read more »

Cameo appearance discount sale!

Hello fans! Quick blog to draw attention to something that I’ve said on social media already: I’m currently running a sale on in-comic cameos! While usually such a prize comes along with the $20 patreon tier, for the rest of June if you pledge JUST $10 on either patreon or the brand new ko-fi page,… Read more »

Season 1 is done! Announcement!

Adventurers’ Guild Season 1 has come to a close! I want to thank each and every one of you for being here at this little momentous event, whether you’ve been with me from the start or not… I certainly appreciate you! So, now what is to come? Season 2 is just around the corner with… Read more »

Season 2 has begun!

Here we are at the 4th anniversary of the Adventurers’ Guild website going live, and the first day of Season 2! I’m excited… are you??? Generally, one season lasting four years is not smiled upon very much, but that’s just how this story is manifesting so far! I just uploaded the intro on the night… Read more »

What just happened…?

Episode 14 is done now! The title of this blogpost is in reference to the conclusion, in case you were wondering. I hope you enjoyed it so far, and are adequately stoked for part 2. Part 1 may have been kind of weird in terms of story arch and progressing and such, but it was… Read more »

Missed update! + Cute paint project

Hey, so, on the last page’s description 11/15/22, I mentioned that I might not be able to upload Friday’s page. I was right! I was on a camping trip with no access to computer or internet (that was the point, you see.) I usually try to schedule these things around updates or make provisions, but… Read more »

Break Announcement

A while ago, I was talking with my sister Mary, the author/artist of the webcomic Paper Doll Veronika, about various webcomic managing stuff. In addition, I was venting about the standard time demands of being an adult, being a parent, and all such stuff. It’s frustrating when you are inspired to write or do art,… Read more »

Uploads resume on March 14th

Hello! I announced this on a few places online yesterday, but yes, as the title of this blog says, Adventurers’ Guild uploads will be resuming on Tuesday March 14th, midnight release as usual. (Or if you think of that as Wednesday instead, sure.) Thank you for bearing with me during this hiatus–on the production end… Read more »

Second Adventurers’ Guild Fanart Contest!

Adventurers’ Guild fanart contest #2! Dates: March 26th – April 30th Theme: Adventure. Draw a scene that features at least one Adventurers’ Guild character. This picture must portray a sense of adventure! Use the word as inspiration! The scene does NOT have to be canon to the comic. Feel free to draw a car trip… Read more »

Fan Art Contest Judgement event on Discord

Alright, the Fan Art contest submission period is closed, and it is almost time to announce the winners! I had been intending to do all the judging behind the scenes and announce the winners, but well, I’ve actually already finished my judging of the contest entries, but as the point distribution fell, it became pretty… Read more »

Results of the Second Fan Art Contest!

Alright! The fan art contest is OVER! My judgement has been passed, and votes have been cast for the tie, and below are the entries and results. First, thank you to everyone who entered! I loved getting the messages that a new entry was ready, and see other peoples’ take on the prompt. Let’s take… Read more »

Tournament wind-down

The Tournament is over, and that’s another episode for the books! I must say, doing fight scenes take way more time on my part–just making sure the continuity works–and episode 16 was full of them! I hope you enjoyed. As mentioned in the description of that last page, I will be taking a 3 week… Read more »

We need your Letters!

Community announcement! I’m bringing back a tradition from the hand-drawn comic in order to increase community involvement: Quest letters, as they are seen on the first page of any given episode, will now be hand-written. Gives it more of a personal touch. And even more so personal, the readers can participate and get a shoutout… Read more »

Notice of delay

Hello. I’ll be unable to upload a page on Tuesday, but Friday will be fine. Just a quick one upload skip. I hate to do this in the middle of such dramatic dialogue, but I have little choice. I’ll be somewhere with no access to internet at the time. See you on Friday!

Episode 17 done, Letters, Convention!

Episode 17, which frankly marks a turning point for the whole series into more dark and serious tones, is now complete! I hope you enjoyed. As I mentioned in the page description, if you’re liking Adventurers’ Guild so far, please consider becoming a patron. Once I reach 33 patrons, I’ll start uploading pages THREE times… Read more »

Comic Convention debrief

Alright! As some of you were aware, I had a mostly Adventurers’ Guild themed table at an indie comic convention recently! I never got around to talking about how it went in detail, as I have been very busy lately (I was going to say extraordinarily busy, but this level of business does seem to… Read more »

Mini break notice

In case you did not notice, since episode 18 is now all uploaded, I’m taking a little break. However, this break will be very short, because I’ll be starting the upload of Episode 19: Violent Instinct on January 16th. Look forward to it! I’m not going to lie, the last part of last year was… Read more »

Calling Indie Game Developers…

Hi, Guildmaster Phill here! I am currently looking for a game developer to collaborate on a project with (And yes, it is Adventurers’ Guild related.) I have little idea about how to going about finding such an individual, as I need someone whom I can trust and isn’t necessarily just looking at this as another… Read more »

In-between break + epic gamer news?

We are once again at an in-between episode break! Real life responsibilities and art blocks have been hitting me hard lately, and although I have a bit of my buffer-zone stock-pile, (I always do, this comic really couldn’t survive without it,) it is a bit smaller than I usually like. I’m working hard to build… Read more »

Big Outage and Such

So, in case it wasn’t obvious enough, I missed Friday’s page update. This was due to the fact that my area got hit on Thursday by some major storms which knocked out the power grid. As I write this, the power in my house is still out. I guess now is as good a time… Read more »

Little episode break, hot episode take.

Episode 20, one of the shortest to date, is over! As such, I don’t want to keep you guys waiting too long with this break—uploads will resume on June 17th! To be honest though, life has been hitting me very hard lately. No major life-changing accidents or anything like that, it’s just that I’m juggling… Read more »

That desperate feeling (personal journal)

I tend to keep quiet about my personal life. For those that do not know, I am a father and primary caretaker of four boys, the youngest of which is 0 years old, and the older two of which I am in charge of homeschooling. I also work a part time job, and try to… Read more »

These are the Waters of Forgetfulness

So… It would seem that I totally forgot that last night was an upload day. Oops. I could go into a rant about how I’m over-stressed, over-tired, or how my changed-up work schedule make Tuesdays feel like Wednesdays to me now, but I don’t want a repeat of last time’s blog entry. I will, however,… Read more »

Hiatus and new Web Platform announcements

Hello all! Episode 21 is now all uploaded! I had a live read through of it on discord. If you missed that, feel free to read through the whole episode as a single piece, if you like! I want the read-throughs to be a semi-regular thing, but only if people are interested. With the end… Read more »